Perth workshop, Urban systems transformation
On 22 February 2019 Future Earth Australia held the ninth in a series of national workshops for its project ‘Urban systems transformation: sustainable cities’. The Perth workshop was hosted by Curtin University and Professor Peter Newman at the Old Perth Boys School. Thirty-one stakeholders from government, city councils, local businesses, NGOs and research groups participated.
The event began with presentations by Professor Peter Newman, David McLennan, CEO of the City of Vincent, and Piers Verstegen, CEO of the Conservation Council of Western Australia. Next, participants were asked about their visions for a sustainable future in Perth. Using an online poll, we generated a word cloud of answers to a number of questions. For instance, the most popular answers to the question ‘What is your vision for a sustainable future in Perth?’ were liveable (six entries), connected and healthy (five entries), green and urban forest (four entries) and walkable and resilient (three entries).
To read more about the event in Perth, read our outcome paper.