Get Involved

Future Earth Australia consists of the Secretariat, Steering Committee, and members. Members are research institutions from around Australia which fund, support, and contribute to the research initiatives of FEA. We also receive public and philanthropic support through donations. See below for more details. 

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Why Join?

Being a Future Earth Australia member is a means of connecting your colleagues, researchers, students, policy developers, on-ground environmental workforce and business associates into an initiative that is globally important, nationally significant, and institutionally rewarding. 

Membership grants a position on Future Earth Australia’s Steering Committee, which oversees and influence our strategic direction. View the complete Membership Prospectus here.

Future Earth Australia’s value to members: 


  1. National impact and collaboration. FEA is a peak body for Australian sustainability science, providing a unique platform to form transdisciplinary collaborations, influence policy and advocate for Australian sustainability science.  

  1. Access to international funding. FEA is the co-ordinating body for Australia’s membership in the Belmont Forum (by mid- 2024), providing exclusive access to large funding calls that prioritise international collaboration in transdisciplinary sustainability science.  

  1. International impact and collaboration. FEA is the Australian node in the international Future Earth network, elevating Australian sustainability research excellence internationally, promoting international collaboration opportunities for Australian researchers, and providing reportable evidence for member universities’ actions towards SDG 17.  

  1. Access to funding for Early and Mid- Career Researchers. FEA pursues philanthropic grants for supporting early career researchers and professional in sustainability science, which FEA distributes to members through workshops, events and grants (~$50,000 in 2023).  

If you are interested in joining Future Earth Australia, or have any questions, please contact  

Current Members

Membership is open to government agencies, businesses, research institutions and community organisations engaged in sustainability-related programs or research in Australia.  

Current FEA members include those from the Group of 8 and Innovative Research Universities: University of the Sunshine Coast, Griffith University, Western Sydney University, the University of Sydney, RMIT University, Monash University Melbourne and CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation).

current members