Sustainable Cities and Regions: 2024 Update

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Future Earth Australia is pleased to present its 2024 Update to Sustainable Cities and Regions: 10-year strategy for urban systems transformation. 

Australia is facing a multitude of urban challenges, which reinforce the need for a coherent national vision for its cities and regions.  

Sustainable Cities and Regions 2024 Update provides a pathway for governments to manage increasingly complex and interdependent urban challenges over the coming decade.  

It provides a vision for strengthening Australia’s urban capabilities, offering a clear roadmap and recommendations for how local, state, territory, and federal governments can partner with urban stakeholders, communities and researchers on urban systems transformation.  

This project is the product of extensive national, cross-sector consultation, including city and regional based workshops conducted across 2018-19, and  enhanced by a fresh round of consultation across 2023-24.  

We thank all stakeholders and our Expert Reference Group who provided critical and insightful input into the 2024 Update.