New Dates Announced: SRI2021 to proceed in June 2021
The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021 (SRI2021) will take place from 12-15 June, 2021 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in Southbank, Brisbane.
SRI2021 will build on the rich program of SRI2020, which, due to the global outbreak of COVID-19, was postponed to 2021.
SRI2021 will bring together an even larger and more dynamic group of global change-makers in sustainability. Save the date in your calendars and we look forward to seeing you in Brisbane!
SRI2021 is being hosted by an Australian consortium, including Future Earth Australia, The Interim Queensland Chief Scientist, CSIRO, the University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, the University of the Sunshine Coast and James Cook University.
All accepted sessions will be automatically rolled over into the new Congress program. For those who have submitted applications for Popcorn Sessions and Demonstrations, SRI2021 organisers will invite you to re-submit your proposal in the near future.
SRI2021 is on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram – follow along to get the latest sustainability news, updates, and details on our upcoming sessions.