2018 AECURN Queensland Symposium: Transformation in Urban Environments

In September 2018, Future Earth Australia partnered with the Australasian Early Career Urban Research Network (AECURN) for a symposium in Brisbane: Transformations in urban environments. The single-day workshop had a multidisciplinary focus; attendees were encouraged to discuss urban change and transformation including physical, environmental, social, cultural, technological, and political aspects.



FEA Director Tayanah O'Donnell opened the event by outlining the defining features of urban systems transformation and describing the cross-country consultation workshops that FEA is about to embark upon to support this project. Next, the early career researchers and practitioners shared their work. There were 14 research presentations grouped under three categories: 

  • Planning, designing, and building to transform the urban
  • Transforming urban policy and behaviours
  • Communities and governance in urban transformation

To learn more about FEA's Early Career Researcher and Practitioner Program, click here